
From previously working on a large GraphQL codebase, the boilerplate involved with shipping new features often slowed me down.

What is#

gqty is a fundamentally new approach to a GraphQL client. It makes using your API enjoyable, by generating queries at runtime based upon the data your app consumes.

Your app#

const App = () => { const query = useQuery(); return ( <div> Hello {}! {query.users({ limit: 10 }).map((user) => ( <User key={ || 0} user={user} /> ))} </div> ); };

Generated query#

query { me { name } users(limit: 10) { id name } }


I wanted a GraphQL client that lets you forget you're using GraphQL, whilst tackling some issues shared across all existing GraphQL clients:

  • Slow Typescript DX. Typescript should speed up your workflow, not slow it down
  • Inefficient queries, due to underutilized nesting. Relay is a solution, but has even more boilerplate 😢

Workflow comparison#

Lets say you've just added a new field to your API, and want it displayed within multiple places in the UI:

type User { username: String! + avatarUrl(size: Int!): String! }

Conventional client#

First you'd need to search your components, and identify which queries need updating. After referring to your browser for documentation, you'd then update the query

query UserProfile(avatarSize: Int!) { user { ... + avatarUrl(size: $avatarSize) } }

Typically you'd then run a type generator to create types for each query (changes may not be reflected in IDE straight away).

Finally you'd do the task you set out to do - updating the components,

const UserProfile = ({ id }) => { const { data } = useQuery( gql` query UserProfile($username: ID!, $avatarSize: Int!) { user(username: $id) { avatarUrl(size: $avatarSize) } } `, { variables: { id, avatarSize: 100 }, } ); return <img src={data.user.avatarUrl} />; };

With GQty#

Just update your components, and the queries generated at runtime will reflect your changes.

const UserProfile = ({ id }) => { const query = useQuery(); return <img src={query.user({ id }).avatarUrl({ size: 100 })} />; };